Onyx is a natural stone widely used in modern construction. Everything that is made of onyx inevitably attracts one’s attention. And this is not surprising — this miraculous stone has been mentioned in written sources since ancient times. Many attributed magical features to it as well. Besides a healing power inherent in the stone, onyx served to drive away evil spirits.
Onyx began to be more widely used in interior design in the Middle Ages when rich nobles decorated their houses with it, and various vases and figurines were made from this valuable stone. In those days, it was considered the highest level of luxury. Four types of onyx are used in construction and decoration: quartz, aragonite, calcite, and marble — the latter option being the most widespread. Various degrees of admixtures, whether magnesium or copper, affect the color of the stone. Onyx is divided into three groups in terms of color: Arabian (with traditional white and black shades), carnelian (white and red), chalcedonic (with shades of white and gray). In physical terms, onyx is not inferior to marble in any way. Onyx is as easy to process and polish — that’s why it has gained fame as one of the best varieties of natural stones. The range of onyx products is quite wide and includes countertops and various kinds of lamps. Onyx perfectly fits into the interior and gives the living space a finished and original look. To a degree, your apartment will even look a bit exotic.

What is onyx valued for? First of all, for the high frost resistance. Moreover, it is immune to any chemical influences. This will allow you to safely use the stone for facing facades and exterior decoration. Another advantage is transparency. Some types are 100 percent transparent — such beauty cannot but be in demand on the market! Such stones are suitable for the production of excellent fireplaces, tables, and steps. Moreover, in conclusion, it is worth noting some curative properties of onyx. The knowledge that this stone effectively treats headaches and various ailments has evidently been preserved and passed on since the time of our great-great-grandmothers. Perhaps this is true — after all, onyx is a natural material, and everything natural is capable of healing and having a positive effect on the human body.
Modern processing equipment, along with the availability of first-class tools, make it possible not only to skillfully combine this material with others but also to give it any look you want.